    ABers and BCers, WELCOME BACK!!!  The following listing is a READINESS project for you meaning that I will assume you understand the concepts and skills contained in it and also in Section A of Big Baby and an online review entitled "Review of Algebra."  This material will be tested on the Section B tests as well as throughout the year since all tests are cumulative.  I will begin with Section B the first day of school.   In particular, you will be required to show understanding and competency on various parts of the project during the first two weeks of school.

    Feel free to work with other students and decide on whom you want in your group and start your study group with this project.  Also, if you need me for questions or concerns, email me and plan to see me during one of the teacher workdays at the beginning of school.  ALWAYS email first to see if I am available to meet with you.  Bring the following sheets COMPLETED for your get acquainted session - no get acquainted session without completed sheet.

    Personal Information Sheet (2 pages)

    Just A Chat (1 page)

    *** Make plans to "get acquainted" with me (approx. 2-3 minutes) by seeing me before school or after 5th period, if I am free, during the first two weeks of school.  And notice that I am busy many mornings due to the summer project reviews and calculator labs starting about 7:00 a.m.  Bring your COMPLETED Personal Information Sheet and Just a Chat sheet (no meeting without it).  Don't wait until the last morning as the line gets long.  Remember that I am an early arriver, and the front door opens at 6:30 a.m. for students.   I do NOT make appointments, but I would appreciate knowing when you are coming in case something has come up and I am not available to meet.  It is first come, first served.  It is possible that you can get acquainted before you actually start school as we return on July 31st.  Email me through SCHOOL email (not Google school email) to see when I might be available.  Since I am department chair, I do have other meetings before school, so communication is key.
    The following sheet needs to be signed by parents and brought by the end of the first week of school.

    You might want to download Section A of Big Baby now to review over the summer.
    AP Calculus AB and BC Readiness Project
    (both AB and BC Calculus classes of students are tested on common topics on the AP exam at the same depth – these are common prerequisites)

    The Review of Algebra link has discussion and problems to work.  All answers are included. 
    You need to read through all of these discussions, work problems AS NECESSARY, and expect to see these topics on your Section B test and throughout the year. 

    Download, print, and do the following assignments:
    20 Functions Graph Paper - (You will need 4 copies of the graph paper to complete this project.  Your graphs should extend over the entire grid.)           
    12 Friendly Transformations Graph Paper - (You will need the graph paper to complete this project.  Your graphs should extend over the entire grid.)