Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras

  • guat


    • The capital of Guatemala is Ciudad de Guatemala or Guatemala City.

    • The Quetzal is the national bird of Guatemala and the name of its currency. 

    • Guatemala has 37 volcanoes--3 are active.

    • Chocolate comes from Guatemala--it's a Mayan invention.

    • The McDonald's Happy Meal was invented in Guatemala.

    • Star Wars Episode IV: The New Hope was filmed in the rainforest of Guatemala.

    • The Mayans recycled.

  • salv

El Salvador

    • The capital of El Salvador is San Salvador.

    • El Salvador is known as the Land of Volcanoes.

    • El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America. It's about the size of Massachusetts.

    • Soccer is very popular in El Salvador.

    • Many international surf competitions happen in El Salvador. El Salvador is home to many famous surf spots. 

  • honduras


    • The capital of Honduras is Tegucigalpa.

    • Honduras has one of the world's largest barrier reef.

    • Honduras' nickname is "Banana Republic" because they produce a lot of banans.

    • In Honduras, it rains fish! That's right--fish actually fall from the sky!

    • Honduras translates to "great depth." Christopher Columbus named Honduras after the deep waters along the coast.