
    • Uruguay is the smallest Spanish-speaking country in South America.

    • The capital of Uruguay is Montevideo.

World Records:

    • Uruguay is the first country to win the FIFA World Cup Soccer Championship. They defeated Argentina in 1930.

    • Uruguay has more cows than people. There are 12 million cows in Uruguay and only 3 million people.

    • Uruguay's national anthem is the longest national anthem in the world. It lasts for 5 minutes.

    • Uruguay has a literacy rate of 98.1% for adults, one of the highest in the world.

Other Interesting Facts:

    • Soccer is the national sport of Uruguay.

    • Uruguay hosted the first World Cup Soccer Championship in 1930.

    • El Río de la Plata is in Uruguay. This river serves as a border between Uruguay and Argentina.

    • In 2009, Uruguay became the first country in the world to provide every school child with a free laptop and Wi-Fi access.

    • Uruguay has beautiful beaches on the coast of the Atlantic ocean.

    • There is a lot of European influence in Uruguay, especially from Spain and Italy.

    • Uruguay is the only country in Latin America that is entirely outside of the tropics.

    • José Mujica (president from 2010-2015), donated 90% of his income to charity. He earned the nickname of the world's poorest president.

    • In 2013, Uruguay was named The Economist's Country of the Year.

    • Uruguay has a literacy rate of 98.1% for adults, one of the highest in the world. This is due to the country's provision of free, compulsory education.

    • Uruguay's motto is Libertad o Muerte, meaning Liberty or Death.