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Graduation Requirements - 22 Credits
English –4 Math –4
Science –3 Social Studies –3
World Language –2 Fine Arts –1
Elective Focus –3 Lifetime Wellness–1
Physical Education –1.5 Personal Finance –.5
Testing Requirements
The Civics, Act and End of Course exams in Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Biology, English I, English II, & U.S. History.
*Every 11th grader will take the Act during their spring semester, paid for by the state of Tennessee!
There are two college entrance exams, ACT & SAT. Every junior will take the ACT during the school year paid for by the state of Tennessee. It is recommended that you take the ACT again during your senior year for those planning to attend college. You may take one or both exams. Both exams are widely accepted by colleges. You are responsible for registering on-line and paying the test fees.
· The ACT has 4 sections: English, Mathematics, Reading and Science.
· The SAT has 3 different sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing.
Course Substitutions
The Physical Education requirement may be met by band or athletic team participation. JROTC (2 years) may substitute for Lifetime Wellness. JROTC (3 years) will meet the Lifetime Wellness, Physical Education, Government, and Personal Finance requirements. ELL students may substitute up to two credits for English. Marketing I may meet the Economics requirement if not a CTE course.