• Effective 2022-23 school year (Statewide Tennessee grading scale):

    (1) The "A" letter grade is represented by the numerical range of 90-100; 

    (2) The "B" letter grade is represented by the numerical range of 80-89; 

    (3) The "C" letter grade is represented by the numerical range of 70-79; 

    (4) The "D" letter grade is represented by the numerical range of 60-69; and 

    (5) The "F" letter grade is represented by the numerical range of 0-59. 


    All years prior to 2022-2023 school year:

    (1) The "A" letter grade was represented by the numerical range of 93-100; 

    (2) The "B" letter grade was represented by the numerical range of 85-92; 

    (3) The "C" letter grade was represented by the numerical range of 75-84; 

    (4) The "D" letter grade was represented by the numerical range of 70-74; and 

    (5) The "F" letter grade was represented by the numerical range of 0-69.