General's Buddy

  • Club Sponsor: Beth Ross (Room 183)

    What is General’s buddy club?

    General’s buddy is a club designed to partner students with age-appropriate peers with disabilities. Peer mentors give students with disabilities the opportunity to participate in the school community and build relationships. It also serves to allow students opportunities to learn leadership skills and to encourage an inclusive environment.

    Who can join?

    Any student in 5th through 8th grade will be allowed to apply to be in the club. They will be chosen based upon their written response to the questionnaire and teacher's recommendations.


    If chosen to participate in the General’s buddy club, Peers will be asked but not limited to having lunch with their buddy once a week. The club will meet for a whole group activity once a month during advisory. The student and peer mentor will also attend the Best Buddies Fall Festival in October and the Special Olympics together in April.