• Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda

    Friday May 10, 2024 9:30am


       1. Thought: Heather Holmes

       2. Pledge: Heather Holmes



        3. Change “school wide book prizes” budget category 

    • Move budget to be amended adding $200 to school wide book from stem night

    • Emili Larsen proposed—Jamie Stokes Seconded the motion—a quorum was established

    • Approved (18 yes 0 no)

    Heather Holmes moved that PTA Membership Dues be changed to $10. Propose to amend bylaws for the school year of 24’-25’.  Heather Holmes proposed--Rindy Bingham seconded.  Passed unanimously, 18 people present to create our quorum. 



       4. Financial Report- Emili Larsen

    • 14,831.59

    • Income: 18,276.16

    • Donation: 1,100

    • Membership: $5

    • Total Income: 19,381.16

    • Expenditures: 838.94

      • School wide book- $136.87

      • Literacy event- $5

      • Maturation- 194.14

      • ELL night- 29.37

      • Walk-a-thon- 467.56

      • Membership Dues- $6

    • Balance $33,378.81


       5. Principal update - Mr. Robins- 

    • Teacher’s are feeling very appreciated this week!  Very grateful for everything!

    • Great job raising that much money for the walk-a-thon.

    • Reiteration of thank you notes below!

    • Spring is finally here!  Kids are not outside playing as frequently at home.  Let’s get out!

    • PTA has done a great job of including people. 

    • Looking at literacy options for next year.


       6. Service Club update- Mr. Mallory

    • Kindness Night May 10 from 6-8pm

    • Recognizing fire fighters

    • Focus on coping skills—will be making coping skills bags to hand out to kids on Monday


       7. Teacher Representative- Carol DeFriez - ELL night May 14th

    • 11 kids who will be receiving medals


       8. Walkathon update - Heather Holmes

    • 21,304.16 raised!!

    • Monday is lunch with the Principal


       9. Teacher Appreciation May 6-10- Natalie Peterson

    • Thank you to everyone who made a poster.

    • Ideas on how to get the kids more involved next year.  Perhaps having room parents come next year to do an note with the kids.

    • Updating teacher profiles so that parents can get them what they would like.


      10. Reading Counts update- Kendal Welker

    • Planning ice cream party for about 103 kids/28 kids who will get t-shirts

    • Varying degrees of investment in each of the grades

    • Kendal had some great thoughts regarding the PTA. Reminding us of the motto “every child, one voice.”


      11. Super Kids Day May 30- Gentri Fairbourn

    • Younger kids first--Older kids second

    • Similar to last year

    • Reminder for the parents about the water activities/sunscreen/clothing

    • $400 budget

    • Looking at buying a 9 square- Kendal will price it out and perhaps looking at budgeting it for next year. 


     12. 6th Grade Celebration May 31 @ 9:20 walk and 9:30 start- Jami Stokes

    • Meeting next Tuesday to plan

    • Cookies, photobooth, decorations

    • Kids can dress up

    • Will work to streamline the process of where parents and kids will be


     13. Facebook Update- Rindy

    • Clarification on PTA FB page—for announcements, PTA information, etc.



    • Thank you Heather Holmes for organizing the Walk-a-thon!

    • Thank you to Kendal Welker for taking over organizing Reading Counts!

    • Thank you Courtney Walker for doing the Monthly Newsletter!

    • Thank you Rindy Bingham for doing Kickbacks and the PTA Media/Facebook!

    • Thank you Gentri Fairbourn for organizing Super Kids Day!

    • Thank you Jami Stokes for organizing 6th Grade Celebration



    May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week

    May 9 Reading Counts last cut off

    May 24 Reading Counts ice cream party 1pm

    May 30 Super Kids Day

    May 31 6th Grade celebration

    Next Meeting: Next year in Sept! Hours Reported: 181

    In Attendance: Kim Kikkert, Emily Rigby, Stefani Willie, Rindy Bingham, Kendal Welker, Carol Defriez, Courtney Walker, Adie Krambule, Emili Larsen, Natalie Peterson, Jami Stokes, Gentri Fairbourn, Kaylee Grange, Lauren Pace, Heather Holmes, Principal Robins, Mr. Mallory