• Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda Minutes

    Friday Sept 8, 2023 9:30am


       1.      Pledge: Heather Holmes

       2.      Thought: Heather Holmes

       3.      Introduction of this year’s PTA Board: Natalie Peterson- President, Heather Holmes- Vice President, Emili Larsen- Treasurer, Krista White- Secretary, Kristina Johnson- Legislative VP, Mr. Robbins- Administrative VP, Carol DeFriez- Teacher VP



       4.      PTA Budget for 2023-24 – VOTE need 10 people (1st, 2nd)

    • 1st – Heather Holmes, 2nd – Jami Stokes
    • Budget approved by an unanimous vote. A quorum was established



       5.      Financial Report- Emili Larsen

    • Started with $27,157.53 brought in an additional $1,586.00 from t-shirts and memberships
    • Expenditures (t-shirts, birthday table, playground equipment, and service club) totaled $2,967.82


       6.      Principal Update - Mr. Robins

    • Thank you for all the time you have dedicated to our school!


       7.      Service Club- Mr. Mallory

    • No notes here. Mr. Mallory wasn’t able to attend.


       8.      Teacher Representative- Carol DeFriez

    • Thank you! We love the packets the PTA put together and of course we appreciate all you do for the teachers.
    • PTC luncheons run by Kendal again this year.
    • Teachers as PTA members was decided by the region representative.


       9.      Kickback report- Rindy Bingham

    • Aloha Snow made just over $200 for kickback night.
    • We plan to do these quarterly. More information to come on locations and dates.


      10.     Reflections “I am hopeful because…”- Emily Rigby

    • Due date will be moved to October 11th
    • Budget for awards night will be $200


      11.      Need a chair for STEM night November 9th

    • Need a volunteer to head up this event
    • We also need at least 3 volunteers to help with project tables


      12.     Set next PTA meeting date since the 2nd Friday is UEA- October 20th?

    • Next meeting will be October 20th at 9:30 AM


      13.     Set Halloween/Christmas party date/times- Tues Oct 31st 2:30-3:30, Thur Dec 21st 2:30-3:30?

    • Times and dates approved for room parties
    • Email will be sent to all Head room parents


      14.     Conflict of Interest and Fiscal Management signatures

    • All signatures collected


      15.     School photos- are there cheaper options for next year?

    • Mr. Robbins is working with Brian to get better pricing for next year.
    • Refunds should resolve themselves. If you do not see a refund by the time your picture package shows up, reach out to Brian Fife @ 801-721-7821.


      16.     Art show- are parents interested in having one?

    • Gallery walk / Musical Performances
    • Mrs. Rawlins and Mrs. Walker
    • Towards the Spring – date to be determined



    • PTA membership- 36
    • Cache School District no longer paying for teacher’s PTA membership
    • PTA will donate in grants this year-

    $9,000 for fields trips, $500 for playground supplies, $500 service club

    • Thank you to Jodi Price for doing the Spirit Wear!
    • Thank you to Courtney Walker for doing our monthly newsletters this year!
    • Thank you to Rindy Bingham for organizing kickbacks and box tops this year!
    • Birthday treats will be organized by Taylor Jewell
    • Safety Week Oct 30- Nov 2 cochairs are Ashley Nielsen and Heidi Burton



    Sept 22nd - No School

    Oct 5/6- PTC

    Oct 12-13th- No School UEA

    Oct. 26th – Bond Meeting at Heritage Elementary in the Gym.

    If you have questions or concerns about the Bond please come and ask those at this meeting.


    Next Meeting: October 20th                                                                        Hours Reported: 63 Hours