• Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes

    Friday Dec 8, 2023 9:30am


       1. Thought: Kim Kikkert

       2. Pledge: Kim Kikkert



       3. -    Vote on Nominating Committee to find Pres. Elect & Treasurer 2024-25

    Kendal Welker, Emili Larsen, Bethany Reed 

    1- Natalie 2- Kendal   all - unanimous yes

    • Vote on new Secretary? We will wait until Janurary.



       4. Financial Report- Emili Larsen

    -November donations- 10.72

    -income from t-shirts 1,056.00

    -safety week- spent 29 dollars

    -17,825- budget at beginning of November

    -16,779- end of November budget


       5. Principal Update - Mr. Robins

    -Reflections night was awesome! thank you Emily and Kim

    -Acadience testing - no reading teachers here that day, we need volunteers!

    -21st- classroom parties, sing-a-long in the morning 9:15-9:45, 10:00-10:30 orchestra will play with school sing-a-long

    - Dec. 22- Jan. 1 - no school 

       6. Service Club- Mr. Mallory

    Parent volunteers for Dec 20th 11:20-12:50 to help pass out Hot Chocolate

    service club next week- whole school invited to write kind notes 

    help with vinyl on mirrors


       7. Teacher Representative- Carol DeFriez 

    They appreciate all that we do as a PTA!

    May 2- ELL Night


       8. Acadience Testing Dec 12- we need 2-3 volunteers


       9. Holiday activities/parties Thurs Dec 21 2:30-3:30


      10. Science Fair- January 25 6:30-7:30 (kids set up at 6)- Catherine Wells

    Can Courtney do something in art to get kids excited for science fair?

    get flyer out the last week of December


      11. School Wide Literacy book event- do we have enough funds to get books?

    we will find out for next month, think of book ideas


      12. Panda Express Kickback was Dec 7th- Rindy

    They’ll send a check to the school.


     13. Set Dates for Walkathon in April- 16-17, 18th for an alternate date

    • Vote: 1-Natalie 2- Kendal



    • Thank you to Emily Rigby and Kim Kikkert for organizing Reflections this year!!



    Dec 12 Acadience Testing

    Dec 21 Holiday Activities

    Dec 22-Jan 1 Christmas Break

    Jan 25- Science Fair

    Next Meeting: Friday January 12th 9:30 Hours Reported: 15