• Heritage Elementary PTA Meeting Agenda

    Friday, February 9, 2024 9:30 am


       1. Thought: Rindy Bingham

       2. Pledge: Rindy Bingham



       4. Financial Report- Emili Larsen

    • Beginning Balance Jan 

      • 16, 287.19

    • Income

      •  249.38 kick back

    • Expenditures

      • 356.36 reading counts, science fair

    • Total

      • $16,329.38


       5. Principal update - Mr. Robins- at a conference in Texas


       6. Service Club update- Mr. Mallory

    The kids loved the mirrors and the lesson- thank you!

    • Would like to send a video each month explaining his lessons each month

    • Wrapping up the food drive


       7. Teacher Representative- Carol DeFriez 


    8. Science Fair- Catherine did amazing! Any feedback? Next year hoping to do STEAM night in January (& have registration forms for science fair there) and then doing Science fair in February so they are closer together.


       9. Feb 29- March 1 Parent Teacher Conference food for teachers- Kendal Welker 

    • Sent out teacher survey- would like potato bar

    • Will send another survey in the fall

    • Reading counts sent out today and put a note for teachers to return the bags

      10. School Wide Book starts Feb 29- update from Emili Larsen and Jami Stokes

    • Letter to the teachers is ready

    • Book mark and parent letter is ready to send out

    • Books should be here by March 6th. Hoping to get them out by March 8th and finish Friday before Spring Break. 

    • Daily fruity where kids can stop in to get a prize if they have read starting March 11th.

    • Looking for volunteers to help handout the prizes 8:30-9:05

    • Would like to do a family date night for the prize if the families finish the books


      11. Mcdonald’s Kick back night March 2oth 5-8pm- Rindy (south Logan McDonald’s)

    • The teachers can volunteer

    • They give free cookies to sell that we get 100% of the proceeds.  

    • Setting up a QR code that will attach to member hub

    • Suggested wearing heritage gear


     12. Walkathon April 16, 17- update from Heather Holmes 

    • Tues and Wed

    • Starting to get donations from businesses

    • Incentive ideas

    13.  Book Fair (Feb 27th- March 1st)

    • Sent home flyers looking for volunteers

    • There will be one day for after school Book Fair

    • Kids can purchase during Library time 


    14. Acadience Testing (April 23rd and May 15th)

    • Need volunteers (2-3 ppl at a time)  



    • Thank you to Catherine Wells for doing the Science Fair! It was awesome!!

    • Welcome to Adie Krambule- our new PTA Secretary!

    • PTA founders day at the capital is today- Kristina Johnson our Legislative VP is there now



    Feb 16 no school

    Feb 19 no school

    Feb 26 Trimester prep day- no school 

    Feb 29 School Wide Book 

    Feb 29- March 1 Parent Teacher Conferences

    April 1-5 Spring Break- no school

    April 15-16 Walkathon

    May 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week

    Next Meeting: Friday March 8th 9:30 Hours Reported: 62