• Dress Code

    The school dress code is as follows:

    1. Clothing should be clean, neat, and modest.
    2. You may wear a sleeveless top that covers the entire shoulder; no spaghetti strap tops, no tank tops, no muscle man shirts will be allowed.
    3. No head coverings or hats may be worn inside the school.
    4. Rollers in roller shoes must be taken out of shoes before entering the school.
    5. Hair should be clean and well groomed; no distracting styles or colorings.
    6. No bare midsection or back
    7. No inappropriate advertising or distracting messages on shirts,
    8. Shorts must go past fingertips as person is standing and arms are dangling.
    9. Adherence to these dress and grooming standards is the responsibility of the students and his or her parents. Students not following this dress code will be sent to the office to call their parents for replacement clothes.
    10. You need to present a clean and non-distracting presence to be ready to learn.