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Dr. Walter Jackson

Dr. Dustin Bromley
Deputy Superintendent of Administration and Support Services

Dr. Rebecca Brown
Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction

Candace Olivares
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and Board

Ruth Garcia
Secretary to Deputy Superintendent Bromley

Shelli Boren
Secretary to Deputy Superintendent Brown

Superintendent’s Welcome 

On behalf of our Board of Trustees and more than 1,200 employees, I want to welcome you to La Porte ISD. Today is a great day to be a Bulldog! 

I invite you to peruse our website and learn about the many opportunities our district provides for the more than 7,000 students. Our Mission is simple: Every student’s success is our number one priority! 

We are extremely proud of the many academic and extra-curricular achievements of our students. In fact, these national, state and district accolades are so vast, it would take me several more pages to identify each of them. We are equally proud of our students who have faced hardships and challenges. They too have achieved milestones that, without the care and support of our wonderful staff, would not be successful. Here in La Porte ISD the secret to our success has always been based on a strong belief in meaningful work and meaningful relationships with all stakeholders. Our working philosophy is simple: Work Hard and Be Kind! 

Students who graduate from La Porte ISD have a unique opportunity to receive a world-class education from state and nationally recognized teachers in state-of-the-art facilities, nurtured by a highly supportive and engaged community. The African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” serves as a framework for the work that we do for our students in La Porte ISD. Our future goal is the collaboration of home, school and community members to develop global citizens who are prepared to lead, serve and zestfully thrive. 

Our district’s collective vision, and commitment to building a community of global leaders that value tolerance, respect and understanding as personal hallmarks are the scholars we choose to develop. This work cannot be accomplished alone. Therefore, I invite you to partner with our district to help inspire and equip our students to pursue futures beyond what they can imagine. 

La Porte ISD aspires to make a significant and transformative impact on the lives of our students. We aim to develop critical thinkers, futuristic innovators, bold and imaginative lifelong learners who will, in turn, impact the world in positive and meaningful ways. Thank you for your support of our district!  

In your service, 

Walter Jackson 

JRE 10-20-23

JRE 10-20-23

Kids Rodeo

Kids Rodeo

Superintendent's Student Advisory Committee

Superintendent's Student Advisory Committee

ECC Bubbles

ECC Bubbles

Supt for a Day

Supt for a Day

Dr. Jackson with kindergarten class

Dr. Jackson with kindergarten class

Dr. Jackson Helping Student

Dr. Jackson Helping Student

Dr. Jackson Helping Student

Dr. Jackson Helping Student

Dr Jackson and student

Dr Jackson and student

Sylvan Beach Day

Sylvan Beach Day

Sylvan Beach Day

Sylvan Beach Day

Dr Jackson and student

Dr Jackson and student

LPE Ensemble

LPE Ensemble

Superintendent's Student Advisory Committee group photo

Superintendent's Student Advisory Committee

Dr. Suess Day

Dr. Suess Day

Mardi Gras on Main 2022

MardiĀ Gras on Main 2022

Dollar Patrol 2021

Dollar Patrol 2021

sidewalk thumbs up
LPE Literacy Night
Dr. Jackson and orchestra students
Dr Jackson
Retirement Parade
Senior Awards Night 2021
Dollar Patrol 2021

Dollar Patrol 2021

Dr Jackson and student
Dr Jackson and students
Dr Jackson and Charlie Perry
Dr Jackson and student
Dr Jackson and student
Dr Jackson and student
Dr Jackson and student2
Dr Jackson and students
Dr Jackson and students
Dr Jackson and students
Dr Jackson and students
Foundation Golf Tourney
Dr. Jackson with ECC
Dr. Jackson holding baby

Dr. Jackson holding baby

Meet Dr. Jackson on La Porte ISD Connected - our official podcast