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Dr. Rebecca Brown 
Deputy Superintendent

Shelli Boren
Secretary, Deputy Superintendent

Paula Jackson
Executive Director, Secondary Education

Dr. Alicia Upchurch
Executive Director, Elementary Education

Julie Abram
Executive Director, Teaching  & Professional Learning

Jennifer Green
Director, Federal & State Programs

Billye Trader
Executive Director, Special Programs 

Julia Walton
Secretary, Executive Director of Special Programs

Jennifer Upshaw
Director, Special Programs

Matt Burke
Director, Performing & Visual Arts

Marilyn Neumann
Secretary, Director of Performing & Visual Arts

Marissa Lopez
Coordinator, Advanced Academics & CTE

La Porte ISD is committed to providing all students with an educational experience that allows them to excel academically. To achieve this, we provide curriculum and instructional programs aligned with state standards.  Administrators and teachers work collaboratively to ensure the written, taught, and tested curriculum are aligned throughout the district. Teachers use a variety of research-based instructional strategies and actively engage students in activities to promote conceptual understanding. Teachers are provided with professional development activities, support, and services to enable them to meet the needs of students. Student achievement data is used to evaluate and improve instructional programs.