Summer School Course
Speed, Strength, NutritionCourse Description
This course will teach students how to improve their flexibility, quickness, agility, speed, and strength. This course will also teach aspects of proper technique, spotting, and nutrition. Open to 9th-12th students. This highly participative class will include many training drills used to improve the students’ physical skills. Daily attendance is not mandatory for this class but encouraged. Class runs on Monday – Thursday. There are no Friday classes. Closed on July 4th.
Course Information
Course Status: Active
Course #: 718
Dates: 6/17/2024 - 7/25/2024
Times: 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Location: Central High School
Type(s): Enrichment
Grade Level(s): Grade 10 | Grade 11 | Grade 12 | Grade 9
Subject(s): PE/Health