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Health & Physical Education


Welcome to our PE/Health website.  Here you will find the Curriculum for both our Physical Education programs and our Health programs for the LaCrosse School District.

School District of La Crosse K-5

Physical Education Curriculum Developed for Implementation in

Committee Members:

Sonya Mahlum, Hintgen Shelly Davidson, Emerson Tyler Hamby,
Hamilton Nick O’Keefe, Summit Josh Hein, Northwoods


La Crosse Physical Education Mission

Physical education is an integral part of the total education of every
child in Kindergarten through Grade 12. Our mission is to develop a
physically literate citizen who has the necessary movement skills
and knowledge to participate confidently in many different forms of
physical activity, values physical fitness, and understands that both
are intimately related to health and well-being.


La Crosse Physical Education Vision

Empower children to become independent movers who participate
in lifelong health-enhancing physical activities.