As a result of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act – AHERA, all primary and
secondary schools in the nation are required to complete an asbestos inspection to identify
any asbestos containing building materials and develop an asbestos management plan.
Based on the asbestos inspection and our construction management records, Northwoods
Elementary, Southern Bluffs Elementary, and Northside Elementary schools are considered
to be asbestos free. All other school building in the School District of La Crosse have an
asbestos management plan with a list of the location(s), type(s), and condition of asbestos-
containing materials found in that school building. All asbestos management plans are
available for public review at each school or at the Hogan Administrative Center.
All district buildings are monitored on a biannual basis and re-inspected every three years
by a state certified asbestos inspector to ensure that any existing asbestos containing
materials are not damaged or do not become damaged. The three year re-inspection for all
district buildings containing asbestos were completed by Coulee Region Environmental this
During the 2021-2022 school year, asbestos abatement was completed at Central High
School due to a remodel project. The School District of La Crosse will be conducting
asbestos abatement projects during the 2022-2023 school year due to capital improvement
projects, regular maintenance, and heating/cooling equipment repairs. All asbestos projects
will be completed using state certified asbestos abatement workers and supervisors.
Abatement projects will be completed according to project specifications and final air
clearance testing will be completed as required by state and federal law.
As a matter of policy, the School District of La Crosse shall continue to maintain a safe and
healthful environment for our community’s youth, employees, and public.
If you have any questions or concerns about the asbestos management program, please
contact the Buildings and Grounds department at the Hogan Administrative Center at