High School
1801 Losey Blvd. S | La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601 | 608-789-7900 | FAX: 608-789-7931

Paying for College

Filing the FAFSA


How to Complete Your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
    1. Social Security Number(s)
    2. Dates of birth, death, marriage, and divorce
    3. Most current (or recent) year’s W2 and tax return
    4. Recent bank statements
    5. Amounts of additional income
    6. Value of any other assets

College Goal WI 2022

It will take more than good luck and best intentions to pay for college. You need a plan of action, and it should include College Goal Wisconsin!

College Goal Wisconsin is affiliated with a national event that provides free information and assistance to families who need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) the federally required form for students seeking financial aid, such as grants and loans. Completing the FAFSA is the first and most important step in qualifying for aid.

In Wisconsin, College Goal Wisconsin will take place virtually on the following dates:
Wednesday, October 5
Wednesday, October 12
Wednesday, October 19
Wednesday, October 26



Use the link below to register for an event.

College Goal Registration

College Goal Flier-2022

For students who qualify as low-income (i.e. free & reduced lunch program)  TIP Grant Application

Wisconsin students will pay in-state tuition costs while attending Minnesota public universities and colleges.

MN-WI Tuition Reciprocity

MN-WI Tuition Reciprocity Application

Certain schools participating in the MSEP across the Midwest have agreed to reduce the cost of tuition for out of state students.  Visit the site to search for participating schools and learn more.

Midwest Student Exchange