Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, PBIS for short, is a research-based program designed to improve behavior by teaching students how they should behave in specific situations.
Students receive positive reinforcement for following guidelines.
Hopkins County Schools implemented PBIS district-wide in 2012-2013. The system was also used on the buses. During 2011-2012, it was used in six schools — Pride, Jesse Stuart, Earlington and Grapevine Elementary schools and Browning Springs and South Hopkins Middle schools.
The program is expected to improve behavior and reduce the number of suspensions. Many schools have also posted higher academic achievement after implementing PBIS.
The district is implementing PBIS as a “braided initiative,” combining behavioral supports with effective instruction to create a positive learning environment.
Schools establish different behavioral expectations for each location or activity. For example, hallway expectations may include children walking on the right side, using the correct voice level, keeping hands and feet to themselves, using a safe physical distance, and respecting all adult decisions.
Data on behavior incidents, times, locations, etc., will be collected and entered into School-wide Information System (SWIS), a web-based computer program. This shows if there are any common patterns.
Consistency among classes and staff members is important for successful implementation of PBIS. According to the Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline, effective school-wide implementation of PBIS includes several components:
- An agreed upon and common approach to discipline;
- A positive statement of purpose;
- A small number of positively stated expectations for all students and staff;
- Procedures for teaching these expectations to students;
- A continuum of procedures for encouraging displays and maintenance of these expectations;
- A continuum of procedures for discouraging displays of rule-violating behavior;
- Continuous review of data to formulate and guide decision-making;
- Procedures for regular and frequent monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the discipline system.
MNHHS will be giving out Maroon Tickets for positive behavior. Tickets can be placed in MOPS Box in the lobby for drawings. Tickets will be drawn weekly, monthly and at the end of each trimester for prizes.