Pupil Personnel

  • The Pupil Personnel Department works closely with our schools to improve student attendance. Staff members are involved with Family Resource Youth Services Centers, health issues, Code of Conduct, record-keeping and enforcement of attendance laws.

     Responsibilities include the following:

    • Student attendance, census, records and transcripts
    • Home-Hospital
    • Liaison for Hopkins County Health Department Registered Nurses
    • School Calendars
    • Code of Conduct
    • Juvenile Court System
    • Family Court System
    • Court Designated Worker Liaison
    • Special Permission
    • County Contracts
    • Enforce the compulsory attendance laws
    • Documented home visits to students with irregular attendance
    • Documented contact with the parent/counseling/assistance offered
    • Keep the records and make the reports required by law to KDE

     April Devine Angie Lester, Administrative Secretary Dana Nance

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