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- Crescenta Valley High School Field Improvements
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Crescenta Valley High School Field Improvements
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is a state statute that requires GUSD to undertake a specified environmental review of projects prior to approval by the GUSD Board of Education. The District acquires, constructs, leases and operates many different types of educational and support facilities. Depending on the circumstances, such activities may result in either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. The primary purpose of CEQA is to inform decision makers and the public about the potential, significant environmental effects of those proposed activities and identify the ways that environmental damage can be avoided or significantly reduced through the use of feasible alternatives or mitigation measures.The Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Crescenta Valley High School Field Improvements has been prepared in accordance with CEQA and CEQA guidelines. Below are links to documents associated with this Report. For any questions or concerns please contact the GUSD Planning and Development Office at 818-507-0201, or via email at cvhsfield@gusd.net.Final Environmental Impact Report | CEQA Findings of Fact | Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Glendale Unified School District (GUSD), as lead agency, has prepared a DEIR for the Crescenta Valley High School Field Improvement Project (proposed Project). Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21165 and the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (CEQA Guidelines). The purpose of this notice is 1) to serve as a Notice of Availability (NOA) of a DEIR for a 45-day public comment period pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15087, and 2) to announce a public meeting to be held by GUSD during the 45-day comment period.Glendale Unified School District held a meeting regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Crescenta Valley High School Field Improvements on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. A recording of this meeting is available below.