Before following the instructions, you should consider viewing the Youtube step by step instructional video provided by athleticclearance.com. Click here to access video. 

    1. Go to athleticclearance.com and click on the CALIFORNIA map icon.

    2. “Create an account” and fill in the required information. Click Submit when finished.
    *Be sure to remember your username and password for future use.

    3. Retrieve the verification code. Enter code. Click submit.

    4. Click on “Start Clearances Here.”

    5. Select the school year. Select your high school. Select sport. Click submit when
    finished. At the end, you will have the option to click multiple sports.

    6. Enter all required information. Click save when finished.

    *You will need to upload the following 3 pages (“Preparticipation-Physical-Evaluation-Forms” &
    Release of Liability & Assumption of Risk Agreement”- all 3 available on the Clearance
    page.  Physical needs the doctor’s signature & stamp on it. Physicals with missing office stamp will be denied. Release of Liability form must be printed out for a wet signature, thenuploaded. Electronic signatures will not be accepted.

    7. Answer all yes or no questions. If the answer is yes to any question, type a brief
    description of the issue. Click save when finished.

    8. Enter other required info. Click submit when finished.

    9. Read boxes and add all signatures for guardian and student. Click submit when finished.

    10. Once you reach the confirmation screen the online clearance process is complete.

    11. A confirmation email will be sent to you once the page is reviewed and the student
    is fully cleared.

    This must be completed each school year.