"Building Future Leaders"

  • Purpose:  A student centered program that develops character, citizenship and leadership in teenagers

    School Credit:  A Physical Education or General Elective

    Excellent POST COVID 19 class due to student connection/frienships/activities 


    How do I get AJROTC on my schedule? 

    Contact your counselor.  You can take this class in place of General PE classes OR as a General Elective 


    Follow us on:

    Facebook and Instagram:  @cvhs_ca882

    Youtube:  CA-882 AFJROTC


    See AFJROTC video link


    - Improves self-esteem

    - Builds leadership and teamwork skills

    - Free PE clothes and Uniform ($400 value)

    - Community Service 

    - Activities, competitions, awards

      -- Rockety, Academic competitions, Ball, picnics, sporting events

      -- Field trips:  Aerospace facility, museums

      -- Drill and Color Guard; present flags at community sporting/special events

    - Improved scholarship and job opportunities

    - Leadership, Life Skills, Aerospace, History, Culture Awareness 

    - We "DO NOT" recruit for the military

    - CVHS has only program at GUSD 

    - FUTURE DRONE PROGRAM - in progress where upperclass students 16 yoa + will earn FAA Drone Licence, interships, and potential job placement