• A credentialed physical education teacher provides a sequential, balanced program for 120 minutes per week for all students in grades 4-6. In kindergarten through third grade, the classroom teacher is responsible for the physical education program, averaging 20 minutes per day, throughout the school year. Primary grade teachers use the GameDay curriculum.  Physical education activities may include: aquatics, basketball, dance, frisbee, fundamental locomotor skills, soccer, softball, sport stacking, team building, team handball, volleyball, use of hula hoops,  jump ropes, and a variety of other equipment to best meet the needs of all students.  As with all outdoor activities, physical education classes are curtailed and moved indoors based upon inclement weather or unhealthy air alerts from air quality control authorities. Students should bring a water bottle and towel to sit on and should wear appropriate clothing for activities every PE day. Students are graded on participation and behavior. 


    **Students who have a sling, cast or splint (or other medical excuse) are excluded from physical education and recess activities until they bring a doctor's note that clears them to return to the playground. Upper grade students who miss activities due to absences or injuries are expected to do make-up assignments if possible.