Cell Phones (per GUSD Board Policy 5131)
Cell phones and other electronic signaling devices are to be TURNED OFF and students are prohibited from using them in the classroom, outside the classroom, or during any time of the instructional day including during recess, snack, lunch, passing periods, and in the restrooms. Cell phones are to be kept in a student’s backpack and are NOT to be taken outside the classroom. Verdugo Woodlands and the Board of Education do not assume liability if such devices are damaged, lost or stolen. Instructional time will not be used to search for a lost or stolen cell phone or electronic device. The use of cell phones and electronic devices during the instructional day will be considered a disruption of school activities and subject to disciplinary action. (Nothing shall be construed to prohibit an electronic signaling device for essential health purposes from the possession and limited use of its said purpose as determined with documentation by a licensed physician and/or surgeon.) Consequences for having a cell phone turned-on while in a classroom, or for having taken a cell phone outside the classroom include, but are not limited to:
- First Offense: Confiscation of electronic device by school administration and return to the student’s parent/guardian.
- Second offense: Confiscation of electronic device by school administration and return to the student’s parent/guardian and assignment of After-School Detention.
- Third offense: Confiscation of electronic device by school administration and return to the student’s parent/guardian and assignment of Alternative to Suspension (Saturday School).
- Subsequent offenses: May include multiple days Alternative to Suspension and/or Suspension from school.
Cell phones are not to be used any time while on the school campus, including after dismissal while in the hallway or while on the playground.