Discipline Policy

  • Verdugo Woodlands is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. PBIS is a way for our school to encourage good behavior. With PBIS, we teach kids about behavior, just as we would teach about other subjects like reading or math. The focus of PBIS is prevention, not punishment.


    Verdugo Woodlands' mascot is the coyote and we follow the PBIS H.O.W.L.S: 

    H - Have Respect for Everyone

    O - Own My Actions

    W - Work and Play Safely

    L - Learn with Intention

    S - Show Kindness


    In order to assure your child and all Verdugo Woodlands students the excellent learning climate they deserve, we will continue to utilize our school-wide discipline plan.  The primary purpose of school is to ensure students develop to their full potential academically, socially and physically.  This development can best take place in an environment that is safe and protects students’ rights.  Student responsibility is required to provide the orderly framework within which individual goals can be realized.  Our emphasis is on developing responsibility, self-discipline, and mutual respect.

    Students who demonstrate positive behavior will earn positive reinforcement and recognition for good citizenship in their classroom and at the monthly flag assemblies.  Students who engage in inappropriate behavior will be counseled and warned and receive appropriate consequences.

    Our concern is not for forced adherence to basic rules, but rather for the desire to have students assume responsibility to follow the rules of the community.


    The legal authority for school discipline is designated by State Law to the Board of Trustees.  These adopted standards of conduct, which must be met by all students, are a condition for attending Verdugo Woodlands Elementary School.  These regulations take into account the necessity of proper conduct on the part of all students to ensure a positive and orderly learning environment.  This discipline code established by Verdugo Woodlands, in accordance with Board policy, stipulates sanctions for students who fail to observe the required standards.  Penalties increase according to severity or frequency of the student’s infractions, with suspension the most serious sanction.



    RESPECT themselves, others, and property.

    Be RESPONSIBLE for their own actions.

    Know and follow SCHOOL RULES.


    Student conduct is expected to conform to District and school rules and regulations.  Violations of such rules and regulations will result in teacher and administrative action including, but not limited to the following:

    • Counseling/warning the student.
    • A behavioral reflection written by the student.
    • Playground restriction 
    • Parent-student conferences.
    • In-school suspension from class.
    • Alternative to suspension (Saturday School).
    • Home suspension.
    • Classroom assignment change or transfer to another school.