
  • Verdugo Woodlands was established in 1926. Over time, much of the original structure has been modified and modernized. In 2002-2003 our school was modernized with funds from the Measure K bond. All restrooms have been modernized.

    Our campus, including classrooms, is kept clean and safe for all students and staff by our outstanding custodial team. Over the past few years, our PTA and Foundation (W.A.V.E.) have collaborated on various beautification projects around our campus including a garden, a mosaic fountain for our main lobby, and mosaic wall murals above the garden and in the kindergarten breezeway.

    Verdugo Woodland’s population continues to grow. We installed three new bungalows on the upper playground for our Early Education & Extended Learning Programs in 2013.

    Thanks to the passage of Glendale’s Measure S bond and California's Overcrowding Relief Grant (ORG), Verdugo Woodlands completed additional facility and infrastructure upgrades including a new two-story twenty-classroom facility and upgraded technology resources.