Physical Education Program
A credentialed physical education teacher provides a sequential, balanced program for 120 minutes per week for all students in grades 4th-6th. In kindergarten through third grade, the classroom teacher is responsible for the physical education program, averaging 20 minutes per day, throughout the school year. A specific curriculum has been developed and all teachers have been trained in its implementation. Physical education equipment includes: hula hoops, cones, Frisbees, jump ropes, balls in various sizes, volleyball nets, tennis rackets, hockey sticks, pucks, and softball equipment. As with all outdoor activities, physical education classes are curtailed and moved indoors based upon inclement weather or unhealthy air alerts from air quality control authorities.
Physical Education Guidelines – Grades 4-6
Upper Grade Physical Education classes are twice a week.
To ensure your child receives the maximum benefit from physical education and is able to participate comfortably and safely, we highly recommend the following:- Your child wears tennis shoes.
- Your child wears appropriate clothes, i.e. pants or shorts.
- Your child brings a towel and water bottle to class.
The State of California requires that all students participate in 100 minutes per week of physical education. A student may be excused from physical education class for up to one instructional week (per trimester) as specified by a parent note for an illness or injury. Thereafter, a doctor’s note is required. After missing 5 days with parent excuses in physical education class, your child’s participation grade may be affected. Please remember that if a child requires any type of ace bandage, crutches or other orthopedic device, they will need a doctor's note.
No child is excused from physical education without a parent note, which should be dated and signed by a parent with a contact number, and include a reason for the excuse. That note needs to be in the office before school begins and an excuse pass will be given to your child. The pass excuses your child from recess as well as physical education.
The State of California has adopted the Fitness Gram to be the test for physical education. It is given to all fifth grade students from February to May each year. This test will assess students’ fitness level in the five components of physical fitness: 1) aerobic capacity, 2) body composition, 3) muscular strength, 4) endurance, and 5) flexibility. As part of the Glendale Unified Physical Education program, the elementary physical education teachers are testing grades 4 and 6 as well as grade 5. While only grade 5 results are reported to the State, the District feels that the program is strengthened by having the students at all three grade levels participate. If students are unable to take a physical education test on a certain date due to illness/injury, they will make up this particular test later during the testing window.