Food Services
Parents must apply for free and/or reduced lunch annually. Applications will be sent home at the beginning of the school year.
Click on the link below to get to lunch applicationBreakfast
Breakfast is served daily in the Muir cafeteria, from 7:30 – 7:55 a.m. The cost is $1.25. Reduced price and free breakfasts are available to qualifying students. Contact the school office for more information
Second Chance Breakfast
Breakfast is being offered a second time for students who are unable to make it before school. Cost is the same as above. Second Chance Breakfast is offered during the morning recess.
Students may bring their lunch to school or purchase a lunch in the school cafeteria. The cost of a full lunch, including milk is $2.75. For students who bring a sack lunch, milk or juice may be purchased separately for 50¢. Glendale Unified School District participates in the National School Breakfast/Lunch Program. Children from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible for free meals or reduced price meals at 40¢ (lunch). Parents are not invited to join their children at lunchtime due to space and time constraints. Please do not bring children lunches from local fast food restaurants in lieu of cafeteria food or a sack lunch.
Snacks are optional and may be eaten in the lunch shelter at recess. Only nutritional snacks will be allowed. Please send single servings of healthy snacks for your child and NOT a huge bag of chips, such as “hot cheetos.”