Schools to Watch Designation

2020 STW

School Characteristics and Replicable Practices

Academic Excellence

  • Parent Portal for access to information regarding grades, attendance, homework
  • Interdisciplinary teacher teams with common planning time.
  • Grade level counselors remain with students for all three years
  • Resource room models to provide optimal individualized support to special education students.
  • Co-taught classes at all three grade levels including students in our most restrictive environment.
  • 12:1:1 Classes at all three grade levels with grade level curriculum modified.
  • Integrated performance assessments incorporating ACTFL communication standards.
  • Literacy based projects in all content areas, including special areas classes
  • Teaming Time - by team, fluid by department - interdisciplinary and key concept planning
  • Inquiry Based Activities (social studies, ELA, science, mathematics, and 6th grade)
  • Rubrics that involve self-rating and teacher rating opportunities
  • End of the year performance evaluations – band, orchestra, choir
  • Vertical pull out instrumental music lessons based on lesson specialization matched to instructor
  • My Learning Plan PD for all staff

Developmental Responsiveness

  • Group counseling geared to social skills and conflict resolution issues
  • Random Act of Kindness Certificates – PBIS Acknowledgements
  • Surveys administered to all students in grades 6 & 8 to assess their mental health/at risk behavior.
  • Flexible Weekly Teaming Time - for teaming within departments
  • 50 weeks of health education in grades 6,7 & 8
  • Breakfast of Champions recognition program – 3 times a year
  • Over 20 clubs and 25 sports teams for over 500 students
  • School-wide community service opportunities available to all students
  • Staff Equity Committee
  • Attendance Team consisting of administrators, counselors, review students with poor attendance
  • Title I Activities – Pines of Perinton clothing drive / dinner with Santa
  • Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week
  • District Art Show – Fairport Public Library art displays
  • Field Trips – 2 per grade level
  • PTSA Reflections Art Program

Social Equity

  • Over 600 students involved in clubs/intramurals/sports throughout the school year
  • Lunch choir for students already in band/orchestra
  • Restorative circles are used to facilitate a supportive environment.
  • Teachers meet with students during lunch, before and/or after school for extra help
  • Students are grouped by ability for instrumental lessons
  • Self-contained special education classes included in general education classes
  • Full-time school social worker, school psychologist to work with at risk students
  • Integration of technology(SMARTboards, document cameras, mobile laptop carts), Ipad carts
  • Online learning opportunities to support instruction
  • Steering committee collaboration of K-12 staff members for each subject area Summer curriculum writing
  • Counseling Office Coordinates free supplies, yearbooks, school trips and students
  • Multiple opportunities in music: Band, theatre, voice lessons, instrumental lessons, orchestra, choir.
  • Proactive library with full time librarian and full time teaching assistant
  • All extracurricular activities open to all students
  • FACS Home Meal Project – Encouraged to cook means that reflect cultural diversity
  • Various works of literature representing different cultures
  • Library embraces multicultural activities
  • Staff led clubs – build relationships with students
  • Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week: Emphasis on CARE; civility, respect, awareness, embrace
  • Team based activities – pancake breakfasts, 1920’s day, Sprit week
  • Frequent parent communication – emails, websites, parent portal
  • PTSA support of many school wide activities
  • Orientation/access to locker and classrooms before the start of school
  • All rules/Code of conduct outlined in student agenda
  • PBIS posters throughout the school with clearly stated expectations/Majors/Minors
  • Grade Level assemblies by administration
  • Counselors involved in all meetings with students administration regarding discipline

Organizational Support

  • Principal Forum monthly meetings to allow parents to come in to school to talk with administration and guidance about middle school issues
  • Developed literacy common language to support district/building initiative
  • Monthly staff meetings/ lead teacher department/grade level meetings
  • Building Level Lead Teacher Meetings
  • Online Morning Announcements
  • Staff empowered action teams: Budget, Core, Kid-2-Kid, Awards and Recognition, Sunshine Fund Committee,
  •  Crisis Committee, SST & IST Committee
  • Weekly E-News to parents
  • Open Door Policy – administrators available to meet without appointments
  • Lead teacher support – curriculum and building initiatives
  • Young Adult Book Club
  • Release time for school visitations
  • District Mentor Program for teachers, administrators and paraprofessionals
  • PD Opportunities:  Culturally Responsive Classrooms, Restorative Practices
  • Thought Exchange Surveys to assess parent, community, staff concerns re: budget, programming, school closure
  • Partnership with Strong Memorial Hospital for mental health services – satellite offices in two Fairport schools.
  • Strong transition plans from 5th to sixth grade and 8th to 9th grade coordinated through guidance and lead teachers
  • County based TIG (Trauma, Illness and Grief) Training
  • ELA and math data analysis teams
  • MAP assessment scores reviewed and used to direct instruction/NWEA Navigator
  • Quarterly review of student grades with counselors, administrators and academic teams
  • Youth at Risk Behavior survey – every 2 years grades 6-12
  • Supervised instruction for kids who struggle instead of in school suspension
  • Strong student support committees (SST, IST, RtI) to help students and staff


Page Last Updated on June 11, 2021