Social Studies

8th Grade 

Data Collection Sheet (for Friday)


1. The Brutal History of Anti-Latino Discrimination in America
2. Mexican | Immigration and Relocation in US History | Classroom Materials at
the Library of Congress
(Use the menu on the left and embedded links to focus on specific time periods and
3. Latino Civil Rights Timeline, 1903 to 2006 | Learning for Justice
4. A Tale of Two Schools | Learning for Justice
(Mendez v. Westminster case CA Supreme Court decision, a forerunner of Brown
v. Board of Education in the fight for school integration)
5. Racism and the Latino Identity in America, 1910-1970
6. FRONTLINE/World Mexico: Border Timeline
7. How U.S. immigration laws and rules have changed through history
8. Cesar Chavez – Quotes, Facts & Death – Biography 

9. Mexican Immigration (includes info on workforce and last paragraph includes life today)

10. Obstacles/Challenges

African Americans

1. Black History Milestones: Timeline – HISTORY
2. African | Immigration and Relocation in US History | Classroom Materials at the
Library of Congress
(Use the menu on the left and embedded links to focus on specific time periods and
3. Discriminatory housing practices are leading to the devaluation of Black
4. The Civil Rights Act of 1964: A Long Struggle for Freedom | Exhibitions (use
the menu under the title to focus on specific time periods)
5. The History of Racism in America | History (use the subtopics and embedded
links to focus on specific time periods and events)
6. African-Americans in the American Workforce
7. Why Did FDR’s New Deal Harm Blacks?

Native Americans

1. Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868
2. Custer’s Last Stand
3. Wounded Knee Massacre
4. The Lakota Ghost Dance and The Massacre at Wounded Knee
5. Forced Assimilation of Native Children
6. Navajo Code Breakers
7. Poverty Among Natives Today/ Safe Water Access
8. Natives Today Class With U.S. Government Over Oil Pipeline
9. Controversy Surrounding Professional Sports Teams

10. Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851
1. Dead at Wounded Knee
2. Native Children
3. Navajo Code Talkers

Asian Americans

1. The Chinese on the Transcontinental Railroad
2. The Chinese Exclusion Act
3. Anti-Japanese Sentiment in WWII
4. Executive Order 9066 & Japanese Internment
5. Japanese Internment Camps
6. Fred Korematsu (password: empirelink)
7. Ronald Reagan Issues Apology & Grants Reparations
8. Anti-Asian American Discrimination Amid Pandemic

9. Chinese Exclusion Act

10. Chinese Immigrants and the Chinese Exclusion Acts

11. Chinese Immigration and the Transcontinental Railroad

12. Railroad working conditions

13. Chinese railroad workers
1. Thomas Nast Cartoon
2. Chinese Exclusion Act
3. Anti Japanese Propaganda
4. Anti-Asian Sentiment Today


1. Article: Two Spirits, One Heart, Five Genders
2. Two Spirit Quotes
3. 14th Amendment
4. Article: Interview with WWII soldier Franklin E. Kameny
5. Article: Stonewall Riots and Harvey Milk
6. Political Cartoon
7. Time Magazine on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and military today
8. Coming Out Under Fire- Gays in the Military
9. Same-Sex Marriage: Supreme Court Decision
10. Biden Overturns Transgender Military Ban
11. Supreme Court on Transgender in the Workplace
12. Transgender Equality: workplace, school, healthcare, military service & where we are today
13. LGBTQ Photos

14. Military Service and LGBT Equality

15. LGBTQ Activism

16. Do-Ask-Do-Tell-Do-Justice-Summit-Report


1. 14th Amendment
2. Declaration of Sentiments
3. Seneca Falls Convention
4. Biographies of Influential Suffragists
5. Women Who Fought for the Vote
6. NY Suffragists
7. Lucretia Mott
8. Article: 100 Years After Suffrage
9. Article: Equal Pay
10. Article: Women’s Liberation Movement
11. Article: ERA explained

12. Article: Women in Politics
13. Article: Equal Pay Gap Today
14. Cartoons and Images

15. Equal Rights Amendment

16. Women’s Rights

World War I Artifacts/Stations 

Page Last Updated on October 31, 2023