Family Resources


(One-Stop Shopping for supporting your MMS student)


Families use Skyward to check their child’s schedule, grades, missing assignments, and attendance.


How to access Skyward (video):


Schoology gives parents access to classes, upcoming assignments, and class announcements, while your child can use it to collaborate with classmates and stay connected with their class.


Getting signed up and learning the basics of Schoology:


  • Read: A Family’s Guide to Schoology


  • Video on how to sign up:


Schoology FAQs


ParentSquare (SH)


Attendance (™)

Maintaining regular school attendance is important to your child’s overall success at Morgan Middle School! Their attendance will affect what they will learn in school and will then impact their grades. We want students to be here and find success when they are here! We miss them when they are gone! 

OSPI WA State Attendance Information: 


Student Lesson on Attendance:  Go through this lesson with your student to teach them about how important attendance is to their education! 


Attendance Awareness Month 22-23


Attendance Letters:

These letters will be sent home with students from their advisory class. You can preview the letter here and use the information to help you understand how chronic or unexcused absences will be handled at MMS. 


English: MMS Attendance parent letter 22-23.docx

Español: MMS Attendance parent letter 22-23 Spanish.docx


Attendance Scavenger Hunt:


Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)

Harassment,  Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB). This is something we take very seriously at Morgan and will do everything we can to prevent and mitigate this issue. If your child is experiencing unkind treatment from anyone at school, please reach out to an administrator or school counselor right away so that we can help.


Michelle Bibich, Principal:
Kevin Kjorsvik, Assistant Principal:

Briley Cameron, Dean of Students:

Tiffany Beardsley and Talia Mifflin, counselors for students with last names beginning with the letters A-L: and

Sue Hammond, counselor for students with last names beginning with the letters M-Z:


Information on Bullying from :

For minor, low level, teasing: Research has suggested that using a “deactivating strategy” can be the most effective approach. For example, if another student says to your child, “You are weird!” it might work best for your child to respond by saying something like, “Yup! I guess I am a little weird” (and make a funny face) and then either walk away or move on to another topic of conversation. This should be said in a calm and confident tone of voice. This strategy can be effective because it takes away someone’s power to upset your child if the response is to lightheartedly agree with the minor remark and then move on.


Student Handbook 

Please refer to our student handbook for more information regarding the rules and expectations that we have in place at MMS. This handbook can also be found on our website and it is also bookmarked in all of our students’ Chromebooks!





Counseling/Mental Health Intervention (TB)

Mental health challenges are very common during the middle school years, and we are here to help! 



How can you help your preteen and teen succeed in middle school?  Let’s start with sleep!  

  • Teens need at least 9 hours of sleep per night.

  • Help ‘ditch’ the devices  (phone, computer, TV, etc.) at least one hour before it’s time for bed.

  • Try to create a sleep environment of a dark, cool, comfortable, and quiet space.

  • NO to soda, coffee or other stimulant-related drinks and foods.

  • Talk with your student about not letting worries be their bedfellows.  Instead, write them down, put them aside, and look at them in the morning.

  • Daily moderate exercise will help them sleep through the night.

  • Sleep Hygiene - Seattle Children's



Social Media (™)

Apps for parents/guardians to be aware of video: 


Be safe online video (student edition) 


General FAQs