6th Grade Trip


Each year, the sixth grade bloc teachers plan a field trip based upon the amount of funds raised. The past several years, students have raised enough money for a trip to the San Juan Islands. Students have the opportunity to learn how the rich history of the islands contributed to Washington State history including the Pig War.

Trip Criteria:

1. Students may not have received an out-of-school suspension during the 6th grade year.
2. Students must be enrolled in a three period bloc class.
3. Exceptions are granted to those in Quest or under the umbrella of Special Services.
4. Students must be enrolled in at least six classes at Morgan Middle School.
5. Student must be enrolled at Morgan at least one month prior to the trip departure date.
6. Students with significant behavior concerns may be required to have a parent chaperone in order to participate.
7. Students with severe special needs under the umbrella of special services must make the trip planners aware of those special needs at the time sign-ups for the trip begin so that accommodations can be discussed and implemented as appropriate.
8. Students must have purchased an ASB card prior to the trip departure.

Parents are invited to join the trip as well.

Sample Itinerary

Day 1:
4:45 am Depart from Morgan
9:35 am Anacortes Ferry Departs
10:40 am Ferry Arrives at Friday Harbor
11:45-12:15 Lunch
12:30-4:30 Learning Centers
4:30-6:30 Free Time
6:30-8:00 Dinner
8:00-10:00 Activities
10:30 Lights out

Day 2
7:00 am Wake-up
7:30 am Breakfast
9:30-2:30 Learning Centers
4:20 pm Ferry departs from Friday Harbor
5:35 pm Board buses in Anacortes
6:150 pm Dinner in Anacortes
7:45 pm Depart Anacortes
10:30 pm Arrive at Morgan