A.W. Beattie Career Center would like to thank the following volunteers for their contributions to the education of our students as active participants of the Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning Occupational Advisory Committee:
- Bob Boyle, J.A. Sauer Heating & Air Conditioning
- James Gravener, Gravener Heating & Cooling
- Jason Boyd, Hampton Mechanical
- Gary Gressang, White Heating & Plumbing
- Larissa Soroka, Merit Electrical Group, Inc
- Chris Ryan, Bolster-DeHart, Inc.
- Bill Neely, Premier Heating & Cooling, LLC
- Ken Freyermuth, Automatic Controls Service Inc.
- Vanessa Dodds, Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board
- Ryan Koprivnikar, Student
- Terri Koprivnikar, Parent
Click here for a full listing of every program's Occupational Advisory Committee.