Q: How do I apply to attend an A.W. Beattie program?
A: Click here for our application and be sure to fill out all of the required information.
Q: Does attending A.W. Beattie Career Center affect my chances of getting into the college or university of my choice?
A: Due to the advanced nature of our programs, you may earn college credits related to your program while you are still in high school. We have articulation agreements with many local colleges, universities and technical schools, which give you a great head start to your future educational goals.
Q: Do I have to go straight into the work force upon graduation when I go to A.W. Beattie Career Center?
A: No. While A.W. Beattie Career Center will give you the knowledge and training to obtain employment in your field, more and more of our graduates do go on to additional training at colleges, universities and technical schools to continue their education. Like most college students today, they may even work while they are in school, using the training they've received with us to earn more money than your average minimum wage positions.
Q: As a student at A.W. Beattie Career Center, am I still eligible for all of the sports and extracurricular activities at my school?
A: Absolutely! We have a lot of students who play sports, cheer, play an instrument in the band, or participate in any number of after-school activities at their school district. If you are worried about getting to practice on time, we can work with your high school counselor to ensure that your needs are met.
Q: Can I attend A.W. Beattie Career Center if I am in Advanced Program classes?
A: Yes! Students of all levels attend A.W. Beattie Career Center. Since the programs available at the career center only affect the elective credits at your school district, you are eligible to take whatever academic courses (math, science, English, etc.) you choose. If there is a program at our school that represents your personal career goals or interests, we highly encourage you to attend! Discuss your goals with your high school counselor and your parents/guardians to ensure that your schedule is created to fit your educational needs as well as your personal and career interests.
Q: If I choose to attend A.W. Beattie Career Center, will I be given a different high school diploma?
A: No. A.W. Beattie Career Center only takes the place of three yearly elective credits at your sending district on your schedule. You will still be attending your high school for all of your academic courses, regardless of your academic level. There is no difference or indication on your high school diploma to show that you attended A.W. Beattie Career Center.
Q: How does transportation work?
A: if you are a student driver at your high school, you may obtain a parking pass for A.W. Beattie. Your parents or guardians may also choose to drive you to and from the Career Center. A third option is to ride the bus provided by your school district, which will transport you to and from your high school.
Q: How long is class at A.W. Beattie?
A: Each student spends at least two hours in their program, and daily time spent in your A.W. Beattie program depends on your school district's schedule.
Q: Can I be in more than one program?
A: No. At least not at one time. Some students determine early on in their program that they'd like to switch to another class. Others may spend a full year in a program and decide to return to the Career Center the following school year, but in a different program. It happens. That being said, our schedule is designed for students to be immersed in one program at a time, not two or more programs simultaneously.
Got more questions? Ask our counselors at kim.zylinski@beattietech.com or sara.goodyear@beattietech.com or our public relations coordinator at shawn.annarelli@beattietech.com.