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A.W. Beattie Guidelines During Flu Season

A.W. Beattie Guidelines During Flu Season

Dear Beattie Families,

As we move into Flu Season, in addition to COVID-19, we request that our students adhere to the following guidelines to protect everyone’s health:

     1.  If a student has a Respiratory Infection, please stay home for 24 hours after being symptom free.

     2.  If a student is sent home from the Career Center not feeling well, they need to remain home for 24 hours after being symptom free.

     3.  Families, please follow the guidelines in the Allegheny County Health Department – Frequently Asked COVID-19 question guide posted above.

If a student is unable to attend class because of an illness, they have the ability to access their class via TEAMS (M-F) and if they are feeling well enough to continue remote learning during a prolonged absence, upon notifying Mrs. Hughes at 412-847-1902 or  Please continue to submit student excuses for in-person and remote learning absences to

We appreciate that students have been very cooperative with wearing face masks to protect the health of everyone.

Thank you for your assistance and we wish your family well during this time.

Be Safe.


Eric Heasley Dr. Jason Watkins Thea Holzworth
Executive Director Asst. Director/Principal Asst. Principal