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A.W. Beattie Coronavirus Update as of March 18, 2020

A.W. Beattie Coronavirus Update as of March 18, 2020

Dear A.W. Beattie Families,

This is the fourth update to the Career Center website and our social media accounts. As events change within the region, we will continue to provide updates related to events at A.W. Beattie.

At this time, Career Center instructors will begin reaching out to their students through their A.W. Beattie email accounts to provide electronic engagement/enrichment to curriculum material that has been covered in the classroom. No new material will be introduced, but this may change as we move forward. As of March 18, the Career Center is closed to students. The electronic engagement/enrichment curriculum offered to students will not require them to gain access to materials at the Career Center.

Included in this announcement is a detailed direction sheet to remind students how to access their Career Center email account. If a student is unable to access their A.W. Beattie email account, they should contact their instructor by the instructor email, which can be accessed on's [CONTENT_REVIEW InternalLink] Directory menu by clicking on the Administrative and Staff tab

Until we have a better sense of direction from the PA Department of EducationAllegheny County Health Department and the Centers for Disease Control, we are refraining from planning a designated make-up schedule.

We wish each family continued positive health and safety.