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2021 Building Construction Senior of the Year to work at GLP Construction

2021 Building Construction Senior of the Year to work at GLP Construction

Congratulations to Matthew Barie who was named the 2021 Senior of the Year in A.W. Beattie’s Building Construction program!

Matthew plans to work full-time for GLP Construction upon graduation. He already works for the company.

“I saw Beattie had this program and I knew my long-term goal was to go into construction,” Matthew said. “I’ve been in my grandpa’s workshop since I was three or four. It pretty much all aligned with my lifelong experiences and goals. Then when I got here, I liked it. We jumped right into hands-on learning really quick. It taught me about how some things I thought I knew previously were kind of wrong, and being here has made me better and I have taken a lot of pride in my work.”

Matthew has particularly enjoyed drywalling and framing.

“I’m really looking forward to going right into full-time employment for the company I already work for,” Matthew said. “In four to five years, I hope to have my own business. I’d like to do mostly interior remodel because it really interests me.”

He also liked being mentored by Mr. Carlini and Mr. Brown.

“They’re both great,” Matthew said. “Mr. Carlini teaches you a lot in a short amount of time. He’s really nice and shows you what to do with your hands-on work. Mr. Brown also shows you what to do and begins to give you more ownership over your work in your second and third years so that you're ready for whatever you want to do after high school.”

Good Luck Matthew!