2 A.W. Beattie teams place in SkillsUSA national competitions
Congratulations to all of our SkillsUSA national competitors!
Two teams from A.W. Beattie Career Center placed in the top three of their respective competitions.
Dominic Gralia, Alexis Robinson and Dina Karkaria finished second in the Career Pathways: Arts & Communication competition, and Haley Studeny, Ryan Geeting and Jeff Tourney placed third in the Chapter Display competition.
The Career Center sent 10 students to compete in nationals, which were held virtually, after each earned first place and a gold medal in SkillsUSA Pennsylvania.
"This year was particularly challenging for all of our students who chose to participate in the SkillsUSA competitions," SkillsUSA advisor and Ad Design instructor Heather Brown said. "Early on, when we were first discussing participating in the competitions this year, I fully informed the students that we were in completely uncharted territory. I couldn’t be sure what was going to happen: would the plug be pulled due to Covid part-way through? Anything was possible."
"These students were determined to compete anyway. Through district quarantines, a two month period where we were fully virtual-only, and even working with the Career Pathways team that was completely split until the month of April, these students showed such an enthusiasm and drive that just couldn’t be ignored. Even though the NLSC schedule itself changed many times after the school year itself was over, these students persevered. I couldn’t be prouder of what they have accomplished, and the proof of their adaptability is right before us: A.W. Beattie Career Center was the only CTE in the state of Pennsylvania to place in two SkillsUSA competitions in 2021. It’s such an incredible accomplishment."
Below are the results of the national competition.
2nd Place Silver Medal Winners
Career Pathways: Arts & Communication
Dominic Gralia - Advertising Design - North Allegheny
Dina Karkaria - Advertising Design - Hampton Township
Alexis Robinson - Advertising Design - North Allegheny
3rd Place Bronze Medal Winners
Chapter Display
Haley Studeny - Advertising Design - Deer Lakes
Ryan Geeting - Carpentry - Northgate
Jeff Tourney - HVAC - Pine-Richland
National Finalists (State Champions)
Extemporaneous Speaking
Cadence Howell - Advertising Design - Deer Lakes
Job Skills Demo Open
Sean Boaks - Emergency Response - Avonworth
Pin Design
Brianna Deah - Advertising Design - Hampton
Mark Gibson - HVAC - Hampton