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10 A.W. Beattie students earn $2,000 in awards

10 A.W. Beattie students earn $2,000 in awards

PJ Dick-Trumbell-Lindy Paving Corporation and UPMC Passavant, in a partnership with The Challenge Program, gave $2,000 in awards to 10 A.W. Beattie students.

The Challenge Program is a nonprofit organization that connects education and business by developing a skilled and motivated future workforce.

“The Challenge Program, Inc. categories of Attendance, Academic Improvement, Academic Excellence, STEM, and Community Service empower students to take their performance to the next level,” Mary Dreliszak, The Challenge Program Director of Program Development, said. “With this mindset and work ethic, students can achieve anything they dream. We’re grateful to our business partners, UPMC Passavant and PJ Duck-Trumbull-Lindy Group for bringing the program to A.W. Beattie and for introducing students to careers in their back yard.”

Award recipients include:

Academic Excellence: Noah Pare, Carpentry, Shaler Area
Academic Improvement: Faith Roedler, Veterinary Sciences, North Hills
Attendance: Connor Berg, Robotics Engineering, Pine-Richland
STEM: Mark Wolfe, Automotive Technology, Pine-Richland
Community Service: Rachel Beacom, Veterinary Sciences, Deer Lakes

Academic Excellence: Billy Schaeffer, Sports Medicine, Deer Lakes
Academic Improvement: Sean Carlone, Automotive Technology, Avonworth
Attendance: Keira Knouff, Cosmetology, North Hills
STEM: Magdalene Johnson, Emergency Response Technology, Avonworth
Community Service: Krista Maletick, Nursing Sciences, Avonworth