Check back often for updated information about graduation and events/activities for the CHS Class of 2021!
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Click the image below to access 2021 Commencement Ceremony videos recorded May 15, 2021
Click the image below to view a recording of the the 2021 Honors Convocation held May 12, 2021
Click the image below to watch Kahok Talk: Senior Edition 2021
Click the image below to read about 2021 Alumni Achievement Award Recipient Ken Oberkfell
April 19:
Delivery of senior Kahok Proud yard signs.
April 26:
Academic Signing Day for Seniors, CHS Auditorium, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
April 30:
Senior Prom 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Gateway Center.
May 5:
Last day for daily work and assignments for seniors; Last day of attendance for seniors who are passing.
May 7:
Last day for seniors.
May 12:
Twin Echo Elementary Clap-out Celebration for Graduates, 12:00 p.m. See details below.
Maryville Elementary Clap-out Celebration for Graduates, 5:00 pm. See details below.
May 12:
Honors Convocation 7:00 p.m. in Fletcher Gym.
May 13:
Renfro Elementary Car Parade for Graduates, 6:00 p.m. See details below.
May 14:
Caseyville Elementary Clap-out Celebration for Graduates, 12:45 p.m. See details below.
May 15:
Commencement ceremonies at 10:00 a.m. (A-L) and 1:00 p.m. (M-Z).
May 17:
Webster Elementary Clap-out Celebration for Graduates at 11:30 a.m. Grads arrive at 11:00 – See details below.
May 18:
Summit Elementary Clap-out for Graduates, 10:00 a.m. See details below.
Jefferson Elementary Clap-out for Graduates, 12:15 p.m. See details below.
May 19:
Kreitner Elementary Clap-out Drive-thru Parade Celebration for Graduates, 10:30-11:30 a.m. See details below.
May 20:
Good Shepherd Lutheran School Clap-out Event for Graduates at 1:00 p.m. See details below.
Congratulatory Yard Signs
On Monday, April 19, CHS staff began delivering congratulatory yard signs to the homes of the Class of 2021. Teachers, coaches and administrators popped up in neighborhoods throughout the community.
Click the image below to see Kahok Proud 2021 Senior Sign Photos:
Academic Signing Day
Academic Signing Day was held in-person on Monday, April 26, in the auditorium at the CHS Fine Arts Center. Student sign-up was required to attend and to receive recognition.
Click the image below to view the list of participants and photos from the event:
Senior Prom
A unique “seniors only” prom was held Friday, April 30, 2021 at the Gateway Center in Collinsville for the Class of 2021. To comply with COVID-19 public health restrictions, attendees were required to wear masks and practice social distancing. Seniors were allowed to remove their masks briefly to have portraits taken.
Everyone received imprinted cloth swag bags which included a commemorative t-shirt and mask, glow accessories, snacks and coupons from local businesses. Thanks to the Collinsville Chamber of Commerce, City of Collinsville, Gateway Center, Anderson Hospital, All Pro Tees and Kyle Gordon for sponsorships and donations.
This year’s prom was coordinated by the CHS Junior Class (Class of 2022) sponsors Michelle Fedorchak and Katie Alexander. Other CHS staff contributed time and effort for planning, set-up and chaperoning duties.
Click the image below to see a photo album of Prom 2021: A Night in the Spotlight, held April 30, 2021 at the Gateway Center in Collinsville.
Honors Convocation
Honors Convocation will be held in-person on Wednesday, May 12, at 7:00 p.m. in Fletcher Gymnasium. Participation is by invitation. Students who attend in-person will be recognized. Guest seating is limited to two guests per honoree to allow for social distancing. Guests and participants will be expected to wear masks during the event. Friends and family are invited to watch a livestream of the event. The livestream link will be shared on this page and on district social media. Students who have earned recognition at Honors Convocation will receive an invitation and additional information prior to the event.
2021 Commencement
Collinsville High School 2021 Commencement will be held in-person on Saturday, May 15, 2021 in Fletcher Gymnasium.
Based on public health guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Madison County Health Department (MCHD), the following modifications are necessary to allow social distancing:
- This year’s ceremony will be held in two sections: Students with last names A-L will graduate in a ceremony that begins at 10:00 a.m.; Students with last names M-Z will graduate in a separate ceremony that begins at 1:00 p.m.
- Students are strictly limited to two guest tickets. The tickets will be available for student pick-up the week of April 19th in the CHS Main Office. Remote-only students will receive instructions to come to the Main Office to get their tickets.
- Graduates’ chairs will be separated from each other; guests are required to socially distance themselves in bleacher seating.
Both ceremonies will be live-streamed to allow family and friends to watch from home.
Everyone attending commencement is required to wear a mask covering their nose and mouth. Families are asked to limit time in the gymnasium following the ceremony to allow staff to clean the facility; and to depart from the parking lot in a timely manner following the first session to make space for vehicles arriving for session two.
A photographer will take individual photos of each grad onsite with their diploma. A complimentary portrait, along with a composite class photo, will be sent to every graduate courtesy of CHS and CUSD 10 in a few weeks following the ceremony.
Click HERE for graduation instructions for seniors. In lieu of a graduation practice, all graduates will report to their assigned rooms on graduation day and receive guidance for the ceremony.
If any graduation guest has special needs requiring accommodations in Fletcher Gym during graduation, please contact the CHS Main Office.
Information for Family Members/Guests Attending Commencement
Dear Parents and Guardians of Kahok Seniors,
Graduation will be held on Saturday, May 15, 2021. Session 1 (Students Last Name A-L) will start promptly at 10:00 a.m. and Session 2 (Students Last Name M-Z) will begin at 1:00 p.m.
- Doors will open 1 hour in advance of each ceremony.
- Tickets are required for entry. Each graduate has been allotted 2 tickets. No re-entry to Fletcher Gymnasium is allowed.
- Masks are required.
- Social distancing is requested of our graduation guests.
- Security will be provided by the Collinsville Police Department. Please no artificial noisemakers, laser pointers, etc. All school rules apply.
- Please do not obstruct the view of other guests by standing near railings or holding balloons. Guests are not permitted to stand adjacent to the stage area. Session 1 guests should leave the premises promptly so cleaning may take place in advance of the ensuing ceremony.
- Pictures will be provided to graduates by Kabance Photo Service courtesy of CHS and Unit #10. Guests are not permitted on the floor area during the ceremony.
- Additional information may be accessed at
headlines/celebrating-the- on our website.class-of-2021/ - Specific Instructions for Class of 2021 Graduates include: Graduation Instructions for CHS Seniors
Congratulations on this milestone in your son/daughter’s life! I wish our graduates and you all my best. Please contact me at 618-346-6320 or if I can be of any assistance. I look forward to seeing your on Saturday, May 15th.
David G. Snider, CHS Principal
At the end of every school year, CUSD 10 elementary schools honor graduates who are former students. This year, Good Shepherd Lutheran School will also be inviting their former students from the Class of 2021 to return for a celebration. Questions? Contact your former school.
Caseyville Elementary: May 14th @ 12:45 pm. Seniors need to be. at the school by 12:30 p.m. Click HERE for details.
Jefferson Elementary: May 18th f@ 12:15. Outside, weather permitting, celebrating CHS grads, fourth graders and Mrs. Jean.
Kreitner Elementary: May 19 @ 10:30-11:30 am. Former Kreitner grads will be honored with a drive-through parade. Grads will enter the property, and are encouraged to decorate their vehicle and have a sign with their name on it. Staff will announce the student and his/her/their future goals & plans.
Maryville Elementary: May 12 @ 5:00 pm. Clap out car parade for 4th graders and seniors at Maryville Elementary.
Renfro Elementary: May 13 @ 6:00 p.m. Car parade. Click HERE for details.
Summit Elementary: May 18 @ 10:00 a.m.
Twin Echo Elementary: May 12 @ 12:00 p.m., Graduates will be escorted around the school by Principal Dr. Julie Haake.
Webster Elementary: May 17 @ 11:30 a.m., Graduates arrive at 11:00 a.m. Click HERE for details.
Good Shepherd Lutheran School: May 20 @ 1:00 p.m. Wear cap and gown. All former students from local high schools will be included. Eighth graders will celebrate their future high schools.