Maryville Elementary School is proud of our student achievement which we attribute to the priority that our entire school community places on quality education. However, our staff is most proud of the nurturing and caring environment that we provide for students on a daily basis. We strive to make children feel valued and respected so that they may learn, grow, and maximize their potential.
Maryville Elementary offers a rich curriculum including weekly music and physical education. General Education math includes Engage New York curriculum. K-2 reading utilizes small group work with Geodes and Fundations, while grades 3 & 4 employ Wit and Wisdom. The Illinois Learning Standards guide instruction, rigor, and assessment. Interactive Smart Boards, iPads, and Chromebooks increase student engagement in each classroom.
The vision of Maryville Elementary School is to provide high quality education in a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment, that ensures academic excellence and builds a foundation for life-long learning. Professional Learning Communities and PBIS strategies are in place school-wide to facilitate this vision.
We look forward to working with all stakeholders to provide an education that meets individual needs and drives the learner toward continued success and a love of learning.
Mr. Doug Kirk
Maryville Principal