- Canton City School District
- Restart2020
Important Announcements
Having Trouble setting up your hotspot? Check out the hotspot troubleshooting document under Important Links.
Check out the Important Links section for bussing information (E-Link), open house, and resources for remote learning.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will we get bus stop information?
Posted by:Bus stop information is available on the Transportation Link on our website.
What are the rules around visitors at school?
Posted by:We will not allow visitors in the school. For cases when parents need to drop off something to their student, in most cases we will offer drive-up services. Parents will be required to call when they arrive.
Will all teachers be given thermometers to take temperature scans of students?
Posted by:No, our teachers will be trained to recognize the symptoms of COVID-19, but they will not be taking temperatures.
Will teachers and staff be required to take a 14 day quarantine if a student within their classroom?
Posted by:The Canton Health Department will guide us through contact monitoring to determine risk. We do not anticipate teachers and staff needing to quarantine as long as they maintain a social distance and wear a face-covering.
What are the options/plans for students on the 504 plan?
Posted by:Students with a 504 plan have the same options as other students in their grade bands. Whether the child attends school face-to-face or virtual, they will continue to receive the accommodations listed on their 504 plan.
How will face coverings be handled for students with special needs?
Posted by:We understand that some students have a disability or medical condition that will prevent the child from wearing a mask. There are allowances for these situations with documentation. Please contact the Office of Special Education to help you through this situation.
How will kids at home get their food?
Posted by:Families will be asked to order food one week ahead of time and meals will be packaged as a five day box of breakfast and lunch. Forms, available on our website homepage, must be completed by Wednesday at 4 p.m. in order to receive meals the following Wednesday.
Will students be allowed to participate in sports or extracurricular activities if they are online?
Posted by:Students will be picked up at satellite stops in each quadrant of the city to get to practice each afternoon if they are not physically at the school building.
Will teaching be live and interactive or recordings with a forum for questions?
Posted by:Teachers will hold classes live via the internet, but will also tape those classes for their virtual students who need to log on at a different time than the class.
Will there be structure to high school virtual learning?
Posted by:Blended 9, 10, 11 - English, History, Spanish will be on the first day of block. Math, Sciences and extra college class will be on the second day. 100% remote learners will be asked to check in to certain classes when that class meets.
Self Assessment Information
We are asking all staff and families to perform a self-assessment before reporting to school each morning. This includes temperature checks. If you have a temperature of 100 degrees or more, please stay home. We ask that you seek testing for COVID-19, and stay home until you are symptom-free without medication for 24 hours. The other symptoms of Covid-19 are as follows:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
To protect our students and staff, we are implementing the following:
- All staff members and students are required to wear face coverings unless they have a documented medical reason not to.
- We will require six feet of social distancing in all classrooms.
- We will limit transitions (hallway traffic) by moving teachers instead of students, whenever possible.
- Students who refuse a mask will be required to go home and enroll in our Bulldog Virtual Academy.
- Teachers will be provided face shields in addition to cloth face coverings.
- We will be using Clorox Total 360 machines in addition to Virex ii 256 as disinfectants. Training, face shields and KN95 masks will be provided for custodial staff using the machines.
- We are providing hand sanitizer throughout our buildings.
- Touch-free water bottle stations will be in every building, at least one per floor.
- Social distancing rules will be strictly followed.
- No non-essential visitors will be allowed.
- No field trips will be allowed.
- No large groups will be permitted to gather.