- Canton City School District
STEAMM Home Learning
Good morning STEAMM students and families! Please go to your grade level google classroom to receive your own copy of this week's remote learning slideshow and assignments. This slideshow will serve as your learning log as it contains a section for you to check off as you complete each task.
Parent how-to: https://youtu.be/VvrpPa7oPC0
Link to Parent Letters: bit.ly/STEAMMparentletter
The google classroom code for each grade level is as follows:
6th grade: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NjY3MzE4OTE1MTRa
7th grade: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NjcxMTI0OTQxMDBa
8th grade: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/r/NjcwODU2NDUzNTRa
Also, don't forget to check out the times for your teachers' office hours. We will be using Google Meet.
Parents, if you are having difficulties with Google Classroom or have a classwork question, please email one of the following teachers:
6th-grade lacefield_k@ccsdistrict.org
7th-grade joy_m@ccsdistrict.org
8th-grade hilldickey_r@ccsdistrict.org
Make everyday count rather than counting the days.