AIM Academy @ Belden

Inspiring confident, creative, and open-minded learners

Building Information

  • The AIM Academy @ Belden is located at 2115 Georgetown Rd NE, Canton, Ohio  44704

    Grades K-6 

    Phone number:  330-453-6902   Fax:  330-588-2128

    Kara Rankin, Principal

AIM Academy Virtual Tour

  • AIM, Accelerating Innovative Minds, houses grades Kindergarten through 6. Our academy uses a 45/15 balanced calendar model which means there are 45 days of instruction with a 15-day break called an intersession. Intersessions coincide with traditional breaks such as winter break and spring break. Additionally, the summer break in July is longer. The number of instructional days are the same as a traditional calendar. Enrichment and intervention opportunities are offered to students during the intersessions.

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