Phone: 704-260-6600


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Zoology, Minor in Entomology Masters of Zoology with a concentration in Ecology

Mrs. Lauren Burgess

I have had the pleasure of working at Cox Mill since 2015. I am a graduate of the Cabarrus County School System (Concord Spider class of '98) and I was always very proud of the education I received while at school in this area.  While growing up my Father fostered my curiosity and interest in the natural world around me - he always encouraged me to explore the world around me and to ask questions without fear. This led to me getting a Masters degree in Zoology, working in various museums and traveling the world whenever I had the opportunity. Now that I am a teacher and mother (of two beautiful little girls) I hope to encourage the same sense of curiosity and wonder in new generations. 

I feel so blessed to be able to teach in Cabarrus County at Cox Mill - the students, teachers and administration here are amazing.  If there is ever anything I can do to assist you (as a parent, student or even fellow teacher!) please don't hesitate to ask. 


Spring Semester 2023 Schedule:

1st Block - AP Biology
2nd Block - Planning
3rd Block - Forensics
4th Block - Honors Forensics