

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Jamie Blalock

Welcome!! I am Jamie Blalock. This year I will be teaching 9th grade Health and PE, STEM Health and PE, and Women's Weights.  Along with my teaching duties, I also coach the Varsity Softball team. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me or call me, and I will get back with you as soon as possible. 

A little about myself:  

1.  I graduated from Pfeiffer University in 2001, and played on the Varsity Softball team. 

2.  I have been teaching for 18 years. 

3.  I am the Varsity Softball coach. 

4.  I love to travel!




Introduction Video


  •                1st Semester:

    1st Block - Women's Weights

    2nd Block - Planning

    3rd Block - STEM Health and PE

    4th Block - Health and PE

                  2nd Semester:

    1st Block - Health and PE

    2nd Block - Women's Weights

    3rd Block - STEM Health and PE

    4th Block - Planning


Contact Information

  • Jamie Blalock
