Phone: 704-260-5620 ext 165


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts from Elon College;Master of Arts from UNCC;National Board Certification;AP Language and Composition Certification

Ms. Mary Craig

This is my 28th year teaching English here at Northwest Cabarrus High School.  I can honestly say that I truly bleed orange and black, as I am also a graduate of Northwest!  During these years, I have taught English I, English III, AP Language/Composition, and English IV along with Cadet Teaching and Leadership.  It is my philosophy that all students have the potential to excel when they are guided, prepared, and challenged. 
Fall 2022
First Period:  Honors English I
Second Period:  English I
Third Period:  Planning
Fourth Period: English I A/B Day
Spring 2023
First Period:  Honors English I Academy
Second Period: Planning
Third Period:  AP Language and Composition
Fourth Period: English I A/B Day
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English I

  •  This class is an introduction to and continuation of all things English: grammar, writing, literature, and nonfiction.  We will explore a variety of genres in thematic units.
    Class Supplies: 1 College-Ruled Mead Composition Book, Highlighters (pink,yellow, blue, and green), Scotch Tape, 2 Boxes ofTissues, Post-It Notes for text book annotations

AP Language and Composition

    This class is designed to enhance student understanding and application of argument and rhetoric on a college level.  The AP central website is an excellent source for additional infomation, practice, and sudy assistance.



AP Language and Composition

Last Modified on August 23, 2022