


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Gwendolyn Atkinson

Welcome! Let's go Trojans!!! 
I have been teaching for 23 years and this is my eighth year here at NCHS. I look forward to having you in my English class this semester.
Educational Background:
University of Rhode Island, English (9-12)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Middle Grades Language Arts (6-8)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Academically Gifted (K-12)
Wingate University, Principal (Grades K-12)



  • Fall Schedule 2022 (August--January)

    1st Block: English I STEM Honors

    2nd Block: English IV STEM Honors

    3rd Block: Planning

    4th Block: English IV STEM Honors


    Spring Schedule 2023 (January--June) 

    **Note subject to change if needed by administration.

    1st Block: English 1 Honors

    2nd Block: Planning

    3rd Block: English 1 General

    4th Block: English 1 STEM Honors

Contact Information