

Degrees and Certifications:

MA Spanish - UNCC BA Spanish - UNC BA English - UNC Spanish K-12 License English 9-12 License English as a Second Language License K-12

Mrs. Nichols

Mrs. Nichols earned her Masters degree in Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture from UNC Charlotte and she graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill
with a double major in Spanish and English.

 Mrs. Nichols has her NC teaching license in three areas: Spanish, English, and English as a Second Language.
She has taught various combinations of all three for 19 years - thirteen of those years here at Cox Mill!
She studied abroad in Seville, Spain and Cambridge, England as an undergraduate student and has been lucky enough to visit Italy, Portugal, and Costa Rica, as well.
In her free time, Mrs. Nichols enjoys gardening, reading, and spending time outside with her husband, two daughters, and dog, Duke.
***Email is the best way to get in touch***

-UNC World View 2022-23 Fellow:
The Sustainable Development Goals for a Better World

-New/Beginning Teacher Mentor
-World Language PLC Facilitator & Spanish II PLC Leader

-Charger of the Month February 2022

-National Humanities Center 2020-2021

Teacher Advisory Council Member
-2017-2018 CMHS Teacher of the Year

-Charger of the Month December 2016



Teacher Schedule


    • First Period - Planning

    • Second Period - Spanish II

    • Third Period - Spanish II

    • Fourth Period - Spanish II

      REMIND 101: Please sign up for YOUR class period - classes will not necessarily receive all the same 'Reminds' throughout the semester.

    2nd Period - TEXT @gf8kdh to 81010
    3rd Period - TEXT @3bgh4c to 81010
    4th Period - TEXT @d63b47 to 81010

    HOMEROOM – TEXT @bccaf4c to 81010







Last Modified on January 23, 2023