Phone: WMES PHONE NUMBERS Phone: 704-260-6390, ext. 31126 Fax: 704-260-6409


Degrees and Certifications:

Granted a Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA);Licensed by the North Carolina Board of Examiner's for Speech- Language Pathologists and Audiologists;Bachelor of Science, East Carolina University; Masters of Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; 2015 Cabarrus County Schools Exceptional Children's Teacher/Therapist of Excellence

Mrs. Kim Baysinger

Hello! My name is Kim Baysinger, and I am one of two Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) serving Wolf Meadow Elementary School. Of my many years of experience, over 30 have been right here at Wolf Meadow. I also serve as one of Cabarrus County Schools' Lead SLPs. 
Being "on track" with our "pack" is something for which I am exceedingly grateful!  I count it as one of my most sincere privileges to serve the students of this community. 
  • This year's theme at Wolf Meadow is "Our pack is on track!", and that is certainly the case!
    There is so much that can encompass, for all of us.  I ask myself, "What does it mean to be "on track"?  "To what do you aspire on this journey?", "What are your goals, and how do you fulfill them to their fullest in order to cross that finish line?"  For me, running this "race" is about heart and integrity and compassion and grace and wrapping that all up in how to best serve kids.  That's a track I'm happy to stay on for a long, long time.

    Here at "The Meadow", these same attributes or goals have been a long-standing and trusted actuality for as long as I can remember, and I've been here a long time.  This place is SPECIAL  And your kids are our treasure. I hope you all have a tremendous year as you "run the race", stay the journey, and cross that finish line in the end.




    Phone: 704-260-6390, ext. 31126/ This is a shared extension with Kathryn Nagle.  Please identify which of us you are contacting.

    Fax: 704-782-7011

    Email address: 
Last Modified on July 25, 2022